The Power of Social Media
People over Platforms
The power of Social Media enables us with the ability to share stories in new ways. Social Networks have eliminated the degrees of separation and continues to bridge gaps between communities and cultures around the world. Social Networking Tools and Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, & Blogs empower people with new abilities to participate in meaningful engagement. These new forms of communication are transforming old "broadcasting" models of media into new "conversation" models of Social Media.

New Communication Strategies
Bridges Connecting Communities
Have you ever met someone and felt you have known them forever? Last year I met Grace Nakajje during my travels in Uganda Africa. She amazed me with her compassion for others. She is the communications director for
East Africa Annual Conference United Methodist Church. She travels around Uganda Africa and surrounding communities with her camera, a beautiful smile, and a listening ear to discover real stories about real change. Last year she talked about her ideas about using Social Media to share stories while connecting with others in meaningful ways. Now she is using web sites, blogs, facebook, and twitter to share stories of hope and joy around the globe. She publishes a newsletter people can get delivered to their inbox by an easy email subscription. Grace is also experimenting with a web-based radio show. Her creativity and willingness to try new things shows us the power of community does fuel real change. You can discover more at
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